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Online Reputation Management

With the exponential increase in online consumer awareness and the ease at which virtually anyone can write damaging reviews, being fully aware of your company and brand's online reputation is becoming increasingly important.

As much as people have the right to offer an opinion about your company, you have every right to tell the world about how well your company is doing. Online reputation management will ensure your company and brand are able to handle any bad press or reviews. Online reputation management is not simply a one-time “removing bad comments” service. It requires ongoing efforts in order to be successful.

Online Reputation Management services are ideal for new companies or brands that wish to put in place a Reputation Management service now in case of possibly damaging reviews or comments in the future.

Online reputation management services offered by Tricom Media:

  • Daily monitoring of new links and news involving your company with reliable key name and phrase triggers

  • Controlling your industry's first page Google rankings.

  • Defend against new bad reviews and press that may occur

  • Increasing your brand awareness and visibility by promoting all new content and positive articles from the past

Tricom Media works in conjunction with your public relations team in order to ensure that your online image is protected and to ensure that positive content is promoted and negative comments and reviews that may appear are quickly neutralized.

Contact us to discuss your online reputation management needs.


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